University Registrar

Location: Hickory, North Carolina

The University Registrar is a key member of the university responsible to meticulously manage and enhance the academic operations and administrative functions related to student records, enrollment, 以及两个州三个校区的课程安排. 大学教务处是本科生和研究生学术政策的重要管理者, 确保遵守机构标准和政府法规. 通过在高等教育中利用创新技术和最佳实践, the University Registrar will contribute to the creation of a seamless and student-centric experience to foster an environment that promotes academic success, progression, and timely degree completion. Through collaboration with academic colleges, faculty, and various other university offices, 大学教务处将在维护学术记录的完整性方面发挥关键作用, 促进有效的注册程序, 并支持推进大学学术卓越使命的战略举措. 大学教务处将成为值得信赖的领导, 致力于培养持续改进的文化, inclusivity, and service, while championing the university's commitment to providing a transformative educational experience for all students. The University Registrar will supervise and assess staff members within the office to ensure equitable workloads and excellent service to the university constituents and stakeholders. 

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 
Diversity, equity, 包容是大学致力于卓越参与和教育的不可或缺的一部分. We are particularly interested in candidates who have demonstrated experience engaging with diversity and equity through activities such as fostering an inclusive environment, 与来自不同背景的教师和/或学生合作, 并且/或者在他们现在或以前的职位中融入不同的观点. 

Description of Duties and Tasks                                                                                                        

Student Records & Registration Management

  • 根据学校政策维护和监控学生记录数据库, the guidelines of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO), the requirements of accrediting agencies, federal and state laws, 以及《全球网赌十大网站》(FERPA).
  • Develop and ensure adherence to policies related to the maintaining of academic integrity and confidentiality of student records.
  • 维护准确、完整的学生数据记录.
  • Prepare academic warning, probation, suspension, and dismissal reports for Academic Standing review.
  • Manage academic registration process to ensure efficient and user-friendly access to the system according to set policies and procedures. 
  • Collaborate with the Office of Admissions to add new students to the student information system accurately.

Degree Audits and Graduation Certification

  • 进行学位审核,以验证学生的毕业进度.
  • Supervise the coordination, evaluation, 以及所有毕业申请的证明, 并将正式的毕业名单提交给全体教员批准.
  • 证明完成学位要求,包括专业, minors, general education, honors, and any other graduation requirements.
  • Issue official transcripts and diplomas.

Course scheduling

  • Collaborate with colleges and the assistant provost for undergraduate education to ensure each semester’s schedule of classes is clear and correctly posted prior to opening of the registration system.
  • 确保准确公布课程设置和与之相关的课程费用.

Academic Policies and Catalog

  • 解释和执行学术政策和程序, ensuring alignment with institutional guidelines and accreditation standards while staying informed of any changes.
  • 协助校刊的年度修订和出版.
  • Maintain accurate course information in the catalog and in the student information system by monitoring Academic Program Committee and Faculty Assembly for approved changes.
  • Implement and manage student information systems and related technologies to enhance efficiency in record-keeping, registration, transcripting, and degree completion.

Technology Integration

  • 与信息技术办公室合作,发挥领导作用, 在部门和校园社区内进行教育和指导, as related to the student information system.
  • 与大学的首席信息官协调, regularly review best practices in the recommendation and application of technology to registration and records retention policies and processes.

Communication and Collaboration

  • 确保注册办公室及时提供, accurate, 并为学生提供高效的服务和信息, alumni, faculty, administrators, and external agencies.
  • 与其他招生管理部门保持密切协调, including Admissions, Financial Aid, Business Office, Athletics, 和BEAR Central,协助制定战略性招生计划.
  • Serve on University committees, as designated or by appointment, including Academic Program Committee, Provost’s Council, Admissions & Academic
  • Communicate important academic information, including FERPA training, to students, faculty, and staff.
  • 与校长办公室就毕业典礼活动进行合作.

Compliance and Data Reporting

  • 与机构研究部门合作,确保向内部成员提供准确的报告.g. 机构研究、学术事务、校长办公室)和外部利益相关者(例如.g.(美国国防部国家学生信息中心,IPEDS).
  • Certify student eligibility for participation in NCAA intercollegiate athletics and veterans’ benefits.  

Transcript Evaluation and Transfer Credit

  • Evaluate and process transfer credits from other institutions as well as credits for Advanced Placement, CLEP, Cambridge, International Baccalaureate, etc. 
  • Coordinate with the Office of Admissions to create a process to generate transfer credit evaluations quickly for prospective students.

Academic Calendar Enforcement

  • Ensure the academic calendar is built correctly in the student information system and enforce the approved dates.

Continuous Improvement

  • Participate in ongoing professional development to stay abreast of best practices and trends in academic administration.
  • Identify and implement process improvements to enhance the effectiveness of all systems used for academic records, registration, transcripting, etc.

Supervision of Staff

  • 管理注册办公室的日常工作.
  • Demonstrated ability to develop and provide training to ensure all staff can perform duties in compliance with all university and accreditor guidelines and policies.
  • Provide leadership and performance management feedback for staff in the registrar’s office to ensure equitable and positive work environment.

Other duties as assigned.
Required Qualifications

  • 硕士以上学历,大专以上学历或相关专业优先.
  • Previous relevant experience (preferably a minimum of 5 years) in a registrar’s office  or similar role at a regionally accredited University environment.
  • 对大学的学术政策、程序和规章制度有深入的了解
  • Demonstrated extensive experience with applying technology to existing and emerging applications and innovative approaches to student information systems (SIS), registration processes, customer relation management (CRM) systems, and other related functions.
  • 坚定的承诺和成功的法规遵从和评估记录.
  • Strong track record of building positive relationships critical to enrollment success with constituencies within and outside the institution.
  • 对专业发展的坚定承诺, customer satisfaction, identifying best practices, and applying process improvements.
  • Experience embracing and leading change and improvements necessary to adapt and prosper in a rapidly changing, cost conscious, highly-accountable environment.
  • 全面的数据报告和分析技能.
  • 优秀的书面和口头沟通能力.
  • 较强的分析和解决问题的能力,注重细节.

Preferred Qualifications

  • 丰富的微软Office 365经验, PowerCAMPUS student information system, Slate CRM, Acalog, Stellic degree audit system, Canvas, and classroom/event room management systems.

Position requirements in the role description outlined above indicate the minimum level of knowledge, skills, 和/或胜任工作所必需的能力. 角色描述是对职责的概述, responsibilities, and requirements of the position and are not intended to be construed as an exhaustive list for the position. Employees may be required to perform other job-related assignments as requested and acquire new skills and responsibilities. 勒努瓦-雷恩大学保留修改的权利, add, remove, or waive the responsibilities, duties, and skills required of the position. 

Application Process

  • 针对职位描述的求职信, qualifications, and how you have supported diversity, equity and inclusion in your current and previous positions and/or how you plan to work at Lenoir-Rhyne University. 
  • A resume or curriculum vitae
  • A list of three professional references, including name, current position, email, address, and phone number. 
    大学的使命、愿景和价值观声明可在以下网址查阅 Any questions regarding the position or the search process should be submitted electronically to the search committee chair, Dr. 劳里·弗洛伊德,学术运作助理教务长

About Lenoir-Rhyne University
Lenoir-Rhyne University is a co-educational, 私立硕士综合文科学院成立于1891年, 其传统的校园位于山科里, North Carolina, a town of more than 40,000. 该大学在阿什维尔有额外的校园中心, NC, and Columbia, SC, 其中包括南方路德神学院(LTSS). 位于蓝岭山脉的山麓, 勒努瓦-雷恩距离夏洛特不到一个小时的车程, 而希克里-勒诺瓦-摩根顿大都会统计区人口约为365人,000. The University now offers more than 50 undergraduate and 30 graduate degree programs to approximately 2400 students. 勒努瓦-雷恩大学寻求思想和精神的解放, clarify personal faith, foster physical wholeness, build community, 并在全球范围内促进负责任的服务领导. 隶属于美国福音路德教会(ELCA), Lenoir-Rhyne promotes diverse campuses open to people from all religious and non-religious backgrounds. Please visit to learn more about the University.


勒努瓦-雷恩大学不以种族为基础进行歧视, color, national origin, citizenship, religion, political affiliation, age, marital status, sex, 性别(包括性别认同和表达), sexual orientation, disability status, genetics, pregnancy or veteran status.

勒努瓦-莱恩的非歧视和平等机会政策延伸到就业的各个方面, including but not limited to recruitment, hiring, training, promotion, transfer, reassignment, demotion, discipline, discharge, performance evaluations, 薪酬和福利以及教育环境. 勒努瓦-莱恩致力于提供一个促进多样性的环境, equity, inclusion and belonging for faculty, staff, students, contractors, volunteers and visitors.


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